I started by just jotting down some ideas and doodling on a scrap of paper to come up with some ideas for the logo. Sorry for the bad quality of the photo, but it is the only one I have of my doodles, and it will do for the purpose of this post.

I was also thinking of maybe having a Bulgarian and English version of the logo, but in the end, I decided against it.
I decided on the design idea that seemed the most appropriate for the business and that looked cleanest in terms of lines and shapes. My goal was to create a logo that had a clean and modern look. Then I played with some colors in order to decide whether the logo should have one or two colors. I used colors that would suggest materials used in construction, such as grey, brown and black, and I used different greens, in part as a symbol of land and in part to bring some "freshness"to the design.

At this point I showed the designs to my dad, we discussed them, and he decided on a design of brown and green letters. The one-color logos looked interesting to me because the letters P and C blended together to create on structure, but the two-color logos were perhaps a bit better in terms of readability.
Finally, I prepared some designs for his business cards. He liked the vertical designs, so these were the ones we got printed.

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