Sunday, June 27, 2010


So, after a month and a half of not really having any time to cook for pleasure, I was feeling a little adventurous on Friday (and also hungry for chocolate), so I tried a new dessert recipe from a cookbook I bought from a little bookstore in Boston. Nutella Cinnamon Almond Cake!

Yes, it's just as yummy as it sounds!

1. Mix a cup of brown caster sugar, three eggs, a cup of flour, 4-5 tbsp of milk, 3/4 cup of butter, baking powder, cocoa, and cinnamon in a large bowl until the batter is smooth.
2. Butter a cake pan and sprinkle with flour, so that the cake doesn't stick.
3. Pour 3/4 of the mixture in the pan. Add four large blobs of Nutella and pour the remaining batter on top. Swirl a few times with a skewer and add almonds or walnuts.
4. Bake until nicely browned and springy.

The result - pure deliciousness!


Sunday, June 20, 2010


After a stormy night, I spent most of my day hanging out in my garden.

I guess you could say that I was gardening, even though on a scale of 1 to 10, the intensity of my gardening was probably like 3. Still, I did pull weeds, I did trim bushes, and I did clean up the garden, and I believe that all of these activities fit into the definition of gardening. I even managed to do all that while listening to some lovely quirky songs by Fanfarlo, a band that I just discovered last night. Talk about multitasking :)

It was a nice day to poke around in the garden - it wasn't too hot - and I finished right before it started raining again. The wind last night had scattered peony and rose petals everywhere, which was kind of lovely, but still chaotic enough for me to want to clean up, so I did just that. I also gathered up most of the fallen tiny quince fruits from under the quince tree. It's a pity that so many of them fell victim to the storm, since the fruits, when ripe, make for a lovely jam. Still, that tree actually grows a lot more fruit than I can ever make into jam, so I wasn't too disappointed.

But you know something interesting about gardening that I realized today? Even the trash looks pretty when you are gardening.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

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